Friday, March 19, 2010

{ Q&A: Who do YOU read? }

So I kind of pride myself on being a 'Blog Stalker'...I know, I know, there's probably some Anon group for it, but I want no part of it! These are the people that inspire me, who I log on in the wee hours for or click on in between edits for a break...though they don't know it. Here's the who and the why...

Jasmine Star...I found her about a year ago, and I'm hooked! She is true, forthcoming, funny and an educator. She is what 'cool' wants to be and what 'hip' only dreams about. I know that whenever I read a post, I will laugh (at least once) outloud (probably spew something from my nasal cavity) and learn something about photography in the process.

Amy Wenzel and her husband, David Wenzel...When I read their blogs, my soul is uplifted. Their devotion, praise and honesty with and about Christ is where I want to be too. They are my daily slap in the face via God.

Zack Arias...His little video critique rants have literally made me cry-laugh - I still giggle about elbow boobies. If you haven't seen his critiques, I swear, you will laugh too. Plus, he makes me look at my images and go..."Hmmmmmm." (Then usually followed by..."CRUD!") :)

Crash Taylor...This is a site where photographers from literally all over the world post an image and tell you how they did it. OK, not that I'm going to take some rad and funky fashionista photo, but it's way cool to see what someone in Sweden is shooting! Right?

Jared Rey...This guy's on the local side, and I just love his style - funky, fresh and a little reminiscent. I also like the fact that he too shares his knowlegde with others...Not so we can copy, but so we can experiment! Love, love, love his Before & After segments...

Marie Q...On the really local side, I read her blog because I think her images are just pretty, soft and sweet. I'm sure I have just violated some form of ettiquette on complimenting the right-up-the-street competition, but it's already out THERE! Plus, I don't like the word 'competition'...I prefer to think of it as healthy motivation! Who knows? Maybe one day we'll think of each other as professional friends...? :)

SO...Who do YOU read?

And here's one for the road...HAPPY SPRING Ya'll!


Marie Q said...

What a compliment!! Thanks so much for reading. Who says we can't be friends?? Love all the work you posted and I know Jared from a forum we are on. He does great work too. Best of luck!

Marie Q

Tin Star Photography said...

Marie - What an honor is it for you to read and comment here! Thank you so much for all you do...beautiful images, great stories and giving back to the community like you do. I wish you many blessings, especially with your studio ownership!
I'd love to be friends...we could all use more, right? :) ~D

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