Wednesday, July 29, 2009

{ Faces of...Emma Claire }

I don’t usually get too personal on the business side of things, but I felt these words laid on my heart last night. To Emma: When you look back on My Mommy Journal and you see that I missed a day here and there…don’t be upset, your life is well documented in word and in image. You are a part of me and the reason I love photography, so I will cherish your life here too ~ This is my heart in word to you…

I received an email from your teacher, Ms. Courtney, last night about the way you light up her Tuesday/Thursday class and what a joy you were to her…so I thought I would write you a little note to tell you what a joy you are to me! I know I tell you all the time, but sometimes it doesn’t seem like it’s enough.

You are so smart and pretty and witty and funny! Your logic and thought astounds me, and your stubbornness makes me laugh…sometimes…:) You’ve grown into such an amazing little lady already, and your Poppy and I are so proud of the wonderful person you are becoming.

There will definitely be those days in your life when you will ‘hate’ mom and dad and take joy in testing our direction. There will even be times when we ourselves are sure we are horrendous parents; but for now we delight in the moments when you call out to one of us from the other room just to say “I love you SO, SO much!” or when you run into the room and say “Can I give you a kiss?” and when you try so clandestinely to squeeze between us in bed and then quietly ask one of us to "Move over..." :)

I want you to know that you are passionately prayed for each and every day – for safety and protection in this crazy jungle of life; for continued nurturing and encouragement by people who love you, for wisdom and peace in the challenges that are sure to come your way…but most of all, for you to know with all of your heart how truly special you are to me and Poppy, but amazingly and even more special to the One who created you and blessed our lives with you. He loves you more that you can ever imagine, and we pray that you will know Him personally and deeply and passionately…that is our prayer for you!

You are His prized creation, the apple of His eye
There's no one else in the world who could take your place
Just the thought of you brings a smile to His face
God loves you with amazing grace
You are a treasure; worth more than anything under the sun or the moon
God’s greatest treasure is the treasure of you
~ Steven Curtis Chapman

This last one cracks me up...this is the warm up before playing catch with her Poppy...:)

Monday, July 27, 2009

~ Elms ~

J and I made the jaunt to Ft Worth this weekend for the wonderful Elms family! The light was beautiful on Saturday morning at the Botanic Gardens...and not too hot; Thank the Lord! The first image with little Miss K is my favorite, it is such a good representation of childhood personalities; independant, no pretense, could care less if I was there...just plain kiddo goodness!

PS ~ I found out (after the fact) that there is now a $25-$75/hr fee to shoot at the FREE Botanic Gardens!!! HOLY CANNOLI!!! I cannot in good conscious reasonably pass on that fee to clients, especially since my whole purpose is to dedicate my work to people who desire really great images at a price normal people can afford. SO, unless you are just gonna DIE or your mama is gonna disown you if you don't have your session there...this may very well have been my Farewell Session...:)

Monday, July 20, 2009

~ Rowe ~

I'm cutting it close on time for this preview...but the weekend dedicated to my little Emma was so worth it, more on that later... Now on with the Rowe family ~ they're just plain sweet, kind and considerate, there's no other way to slice it! And that little Hannah is BEAUTIFUL ~ She is one of the most easy going babies I have ever encountered! I also can't decide which is my weekly favorite...the gummy smile, the RR tracks or her with papa...hmmmm, I don't think it matters. :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

{ Faces of...Part II }

The tiniest faces are the ones I love the best...uninhibited, completely natural and really have no interest in me or my Canon. These are 2 images from my recently posted final images ~ Andy, the future pirate?; Abigail, not thrilled about being naked...again...:) And, mind you, these just happen to be images with daddy and bear NO representation whatsoever of how they really feel about their wonderful papas!

What do you think the image titles should be???
Best answer (according to me) get's a prize!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

~ Hot Sessions; Cool Families ~

OK - so I am about done with this heat...J told me today, if we are on track for the hottest Summer, I hope we're also on track for the coldest Winter! At this point, I am definitely inclined to agree... Thank goodness my poor clients haven't melted or stroked out yet...;) If you have a session coming up...BRING THE H2O! However, I do love the fact that I have had alot of sessions in Waxahachie lately; I love finding new little neat places to shoot...

On with the previews! The first cool family on a hot day was with my friend Sarah and her might remember little Luke from his Newborn Session several weeks ago. I can't believe how MUCH he has grown, you'd never know he had major heart surgery a couple of weeks ago! Beautiful family and a joy to work with! And little Miss Hannah...The only way to catch a semi-still image of this little walking machine is an arm swing...or to have the entire family shout her name all at once, jump up and down and make absurd faces...I loved it! (And the first image is my favorite...simply beautiful sisters!) :)

~ The Smiths ~

My second shoot was with the Smiths from Lancaster! Sweet and handsom family...and I hope I wasn't too hard on JJ...I always pick on my favorites...:) The first image of the kiddos is my favorite of the Smith session - the first in traditional BW; the second is a new action I found on Photoshop...turned out pretty cool! Enjoy!

Friday, July 10, 2009

{ Faces of... }

As I sift through and edit the 100s of images from my sessions, I realized that there are those pictures that you blogaholics may never see because I always try to post previews of the best overall representation of the session/person...and, yes me. BUT sometimes the best images of the true person is snapped when you/they least expect it. They are images of definite personalities and not something your family might hang over the mantel...or maybe you might?

I decided to create this new series { Faces of...} on my blog because I read a quote on another blog today of someone who had a session with a terminally ill client...that they walked into their living room and saw pictures of him through his entire lifetime and felt like she already knew him even though she only knew him for a moment. Hopefully the images I take of my clients will represent the same and let others who come into your home know you... These are the pictures that make me smile, laugh...and say awwwww! I love photographs!

Leave a post...Which one's your favorite?
More { Faces of... } coming at you each week...

And this is a random one of my little one...with her "I dare you!" face...:)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

~ Shhhhh...It's a secret preview... ~

July 3rd I met Kelli in Downtown Waxahachie for her Bridal Session. She was so elegant and her gown is so pretty...I'm so happy for the opportunity to work with such a fun bride and can't wait until the wedding in August! You think it will be any cooler...naaaaaa...:) Kelli - Enjoy the preview...I think they turned out great!

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