Saturday, October 31, 2009

{ No Goblins Here...:) }

I am so glad this family hung in with all of the rainy reschedules it took to get to today! Such a pretty Halloween morning, and one of the best families I've been blessed to work with! So no more's The Miller Family in all of their awesomeness...:)


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

{ Surprise Peek! }

This little guy is the 10th...yes, 10th...great-grandbaby in my husband Jeremy's family, and he's just beautiful! I snuck a few poses and pictures this weekend when we went for our R&R visit before our own little one arrives, and I just couldn't wait, so I had to post at least ONE ~ so without further adieu; Introducing Ryder Quay Russell, 4 days old...and the youngest little newborn creature I've ever gotten to shoot! :)


Monday, October 26, 2009

{ Andy...the Giraffe }

OK - I'm not sure this blog post needs any introduction after you see the first image...but is this little boy the cutest thing you've seen!?

Thanks to mom and dad for waiting so patiently for their preview, but don't you think it was worth it! I love this little boy!

Monday, October 19, 2009

{ And the third session goes to... }

...the Warren kiddos! After rain and the flu delayed us a couple of weeks, we finally got to meet! I had such a great time with these young men and this little lady, what big helpers they were trying to get that little man to smile for guys can come along ANY time! I hope we get to do it again...with dad this time...:)


{ In order of appearance... }

This weekend was packed with 3 big sessions / 2 Saturday and 1 Sunday (preview coming tomorrow) between fighting some little stomach bug ~ ICK! But first up, I started the weekend with the White Family at the Dallas Arboretum. Awesome weather and cute neices; who could ask for anything more! The first is my session's like my own little Pumpkin Sherpa...:)

This one will be titled..."Hot Pink Incognito"...:)


{ Gap Kids... }

I call this the Gap Kids Session because every one of these kiddos is just stunning in images...they are all adorable and have great families to boot! Just an all around fun session and so cooperative! you know how hard it is to get 6 kids to do THIS...It's my session favorite...:)


Friday, October 16, 2009

{ D-Day! }

Yes folks, it's decision day...and the first November Session email has just hit your inbox...if you're on the November waiting list that is...:)

If and when you get notification...Please remember that the sessions slots listed are a bit more limited than I normally offer due to my pregnancy, doctors orders...and ginormousness :)! I would be SO happy to work with each of you if I can, but if it doesn't work, I understand that too...I hope to be able to work with you in the future! So, just let me know...

And just in case you're in doubt about whether you really want a session in good old's are 2 great little images from just a couple of months ago as a teaser! If you'd like to see more, just email me, and I can give you the galleries to peruse! I hope to see you soon...

(PS - No, Waxahachie is NOT near the equator...I'm about 25 minutes just south of Downtown Dallas...just a hop and skip, not even a jump!)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

{ Cloudy With A Chance of... }

...The Bologna Family! I met this beautiful family at Lakeside Park in Highland Park this morning in the crisp fall air and wonderfully overcast day for a perfect session. I couldn't have asked for a better hour! Enjoy the preview...and can you believe this first image? Count them...EIGHT...eyeballs looking right at my camera!!! Woo Hoo! :)


Monday, October 5, 2009

{ Identity... }

I am bummed to announce that my poor sessions were rained out Saturday, so this coming weekend will be busy, busy, busy! And since I don't have any previews to post, I thought I would take just a brief business blog time-out...

The baby's room is now gutted, thanks to the super industrious (and now REALLY sore) J on Saturday. And when I say gutted, that's what I carpet, no popcorn ceilings, no trim, no nothing! It's a designers dream pallet! Rennovations will begin soon and before/after pics are a must...including images of Emma's new princess haven!

However, before proceeding further on all of those little details that in the end don't really matter much to a newborn...she must have an identity other than "It's a Girl Perkins." Baby Perkins #2, who will make her debut on or somewhere around January 16, 2010 (Lord and mama willing) will now be known as...

Story behind the story: Both J and I are very traditional people, but these names weren't chosen because they were 'in the family' since Ellis Island ~ J chose 'Audrey' (as in Hepburn)...and I chose 'Jane' (as in Austen) who is the classic author of one of my favorite books "Emma"...go figure...;) (The image above is also just a hint of the baby's beautiful 'south wing' of the once again demolished Perkins house!)

Friday, October 2, 2009

{ Blessings }

That's how I feel today...full of so many blessings...I can't list them all, so just a few...
FIRST ~ We had our 6mo preggo prodding on Wednesday, and all is good! Gestational Diabetes test = done (waiting on results)...Baby's name = done (announcement coming soon)...Baby's room = ummmm, well, that's another story but I still feel blessed! Emma is handling things so well which always tugs at my heart ~ she's my first, I always want her to feel as special as number two, and this experience reminds me to make sure I take time out for each of them! I am thankful!

SECOND ~ Thank you so much to each of you who have scheduled sessions, who are on waiting lists, who recommend me to your friends and families, and who understand the possibility of waiting for me until Spring...and choose to hang on anyway AND offer encouragement at the same time! I am thankful!

THIRD ~ There are so many ideas I have for the future of Tin Star: a better more flexible schedule to offer YOU more options, wonderful gift ideas for family and friends, custom photo cards, new logo/branding...but it's all about YOU! Just yesterday I had a brand new client email me with some ideas on a special collection for babies through the first year, and we are going to work together to come up with something special that other clients can take advantage of too! I haven't even met her yet, and already I am excited about this creative future client! I am thankful!

FOURTH ~ If you are one of those creative people, and you have ideas you would like to share, I encourage you to do so...EMAIL! Whether you have a business of your own like custom card designs or create props that can be used for photographers, or you're like know what you like, but I don't offer it yet...ASK! I love other creative people and would LOVE to give you a buzz on my blog, work with you and promote you ~ after all, YOU promote ME and my flegling business too! I am thankful!

FIFTH...and Finally ~ Here is one of the final images of my recent session with a lady I am VERY thankful for...Ms Paige, thank you so much for your spunk, encouragement and recommendations! You're one cool chick! I am thankful!

Can you believe how this 2009 year has flown?! Don't be caught without a card! Email me if you would like to use one of your images from a recent (or upcoming) session for a custom card!!! Don't wait! And ~ don't forget about those Holiday Gift Certificates!

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