Monday, March 29, 2010

{ Watkins Crew }

OK - so a HUGE 'ol shout out goes to my awesome friend Paige for cluing me into the Watkins Family!
Love their kids...TOO photogenic...and oh, so much fun!
We had a great little play date yesterday afternoon in the beautiful sunshine in my charming little hometown and snapped some great little images to boot!

My previews from the weekend are D.O.N.E....and date night with my husband and Jack Bauer is on the horizon! I'm out! :)


{ Madelynn's Family }

My sessions on Saturday were WAY big on wind...and the sweetest little girls!

Madelynn...simply adorable! Such a pretty and sweet family to work with...I love it when a session just FEELS right and everything seems to go just as we wanted it to. Sometimes there can be alot of anxiety asociated with children's session because of how unpredictable they can be...smiles, behavior, non-stained clothing, even little face scratches or nose boogies! :) So sometimes I spend a little time reassuring them that everything is 'A-OK'. So here's to an awesomely patient mom and's all A-OK!

I don't know which one I like more...Madelynn practicing her ballerina positions...or Madelynn and Pooh...:)

{ Hannah's Family }

I got to know the awesome Hannah last year as just a little when she WALKED up to me on Saturday, I almost couldn't believe it! She is one of the most beautiful and sweet little girls. Her big blue eyes, rosey cheeks and sweet expressions remind me of one of those little dolls I always wanted my uncle to win me on the Midway at the Fair...just THAT cute!

Now, I had the honor of meeting the great people responsible for mom and dad...the grandparents. I would like to have these four apply to be my surrogates, cause you can definitely tell who's the love of their lives...Miss Hannah! And, why not!?

Even after a windy relocation and some hair magic...this special family on this treasured occasion...they are still beautiful! Thank you for a great time and letting me be a part of your moment ~ D


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

{ Stages of Confidence }

WARNING, WARNING...This is a long one...look away if you dare, but read on if you like...

It's kind of a random title for a post, but let me explain...
Like most of you out there, I've got a lot going on - parenthood, wifehood, business ownerhood, renovating my hood... There used to be a time not so very long ago when I could stay up till 3am working on a college project or hanging out with friends, but these days getting up once for a 3am baby-feeding almost kills me - yes, and you too Jeremy. :) You all know what I'm talking 20s was all about going full blast through my day on 2 hours of sleep and a tub 'o caffiene product and feeling the adrenaline in my (late) 30s, 2 hours of sleep means I get to a red light in Downtown Dallas and wonder how and when I got there cause I don't remember the entire drive...OR if I remembered to brush my teeth and put on deodorant before I walked out the door! (And hopefully the garage door is closed too...hmmmmm) Makes me wonder what the heck my 40s are gonna be like?!

With each year and with each stage in my life or experience I've encountered...I've changed. I've always been a cautious person; look both ways, check my mirrors, etc., but some things I've become less cautious about in life. Like what people think about me or speaking my mind or being more blogger-transparent. However, in some ways I've changed for the self-confidence. OK - this is not going to be a pity party, just a confession. Whenever you start something new and things aren't moving as quickly as you think they start to think..."Hmmmmm, what's wrong with me?", "I must be doing something wrong.", "I thought I was more likeable." At least I do. Your confidence takes little hits here and there until pretty soon you realize you've got quite a lot of self-inflicted, Dana-sized, self-image dents.

That's where I am. I'm SO patient when shooting little bitty babies that won't sleep when those brand new parents want them to or with those adorable 2 year olds that have a hard time opening up because of their ingrained 'stranger-danger' phase...but I am so IMpatient when it comes to my own life! Good grief; I need to give myself a break!

So over the last week I really started to think about the word 'confidence'. What can I do to NOT let others, technology or situations intimidate me. After all, I'm really a pretty outgoing and funny person. Those who come in contact with me generally know in 5 minutes the true me - you can read it all over me in permanent marker so my mom says...AND that I like to laugh, joke, cut up...and yes, sometimes cry easily. So I think it all boils down to this stage in my life of starting a new business and being in a spot where I really haven't been before - unsure of myself as a professional and where exactly this road will take me. I know there are fellow photographers out there who know TONS more than me on the technology front, all the jargon and lingo, all of the connections and all about the best products and vendors. BUT, not all of them are me. I have alot to offer too - like a talent for seeing great images of people, families and kids and making them happen! I'm not successful 100% of the time, but I'm OK with that.

I saw a question this week on another blog: How much talent do you think has been wasted from a lack of confidence?

Dude! Good question! If it is something you feel you have the talent for; if it is something you really want to do; if it is something that makes you happy all the way down to your toes; if you feel it is your passion...why are you letting foolish ideas about yourself get in the way?!

One day my husband told me, ”I looked back at some of your images when you first got started and...blah, blah, blah...You’re a lot better now.”

Well, at first I was know, sometimes boys don’t express themselves well to hormonally induced, post-pardom, sleep-deprived mamas. So one day, in my secret place, accompanied by a large amount of chocolate and Dr Pepper to feed my sorrow...I discovered he was right! And it was a GOOD thing! It meant I had grown, learned and changed...for the better! I'm still learning every day. And when I make mistakes or don't quite get the picture I saw in my noggin...I give myself a break, chat up the mistake, try again and learn from it in the process. OK - maybe it's not that Dr. Phil-like for me ALL the time, and maybe I kick myself in the tukis a few times, but I know God gave me an eye for making people happy with my camera, and it's up to me to remember that God will bless me if I honor Him with my words and actions, trust Him with my business, give Him praise for the failures AND successes, and learn everything I can at this particular stage in my life...cause before you know it, this stage will be over and I'll be 40! CRUD...:)

So what's holding you back? I know what's held ME back...but tomorrow is another day!
And here's my beautiful Emma at her almost 4 year old, fighting the cheesy fake smile stage in life. We finally got past cheese and she gave me her best FIERCE...rawr!! Is she not the prettiest little girl you ever laid your peepers on?!

Friday, March 19, 2010

{ Q&A: Who do YOU read? }

So I kind of pride myself on being a 'Blog Stalker'...I know, I know, there's probably some Anon group for it, but I want no part of it! These are the people that inspire me, who I log on in the wee hours for or click on in between edits for a break...though they don't know it. Here's the who and the why...

Jasmine Star...I found her about a year ago, and I'm hooked! She is true, forthcoming, funny and an educator. She is what 'cool' wants to be and what 'hip' only dreams about. I know that whenever I read a post, I will laugh (at least once) outloud (probably spew something from my nasal cavity) and learn something about photography in the process.

Amy Wenzel and her husband, David Wenzel...When I read their blogs, my soul is uplifted. Their devotion, praise and honesty with and about Christ is where I want to be too. They are my daily slap in the face via God.

Zack Arias...His little video critique rants have literally made me cry-laugh - I still giggle about elbow boobies. If you haven't seen his critiques, I swear, you will laugh too. Plus, he makes me look at my images and go..."Hmmmmmm." (Then usually followed by..."CRUD!") :)

Crash Taylor...This is a site where photographers from literally all over the world post an image and tell you how they did it. OK, not that I'm going to take some rad and funky fashionista photo, but it's way cool to see what someone in Sweden is shooting! Right?

Jared Rey...This guy's on the local side, and I just love his style - funky, fresh and a little reminiscent. I also like the fact that he too shares his knowlegde with others...Not so we can copy, but so we can experiment! Love, love, love his Before & After segments...

Marie Q...On the really local side, I read her blog because I think her images are just pretty, soft and sweet. I'm sure I have just violated some form of ettiquette on complimenting the right-up-the-street competition, but it's already out THERE! Plus, I don't like the word 'competition'...I prefer to think of it as healthy motivation! Who knows? Maybe one day we'll think of each other as professional friends...? :)

SO...Who do YOU read?

And here's one for the road...HAPPY SPRING Ya'll!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

{ Where's Kate? }

Here's a little series from last Saturday's Session with the birthday girl... This is just one of the many reasons I love photographing kids ~ their unpredictability, their honesty and their ability to reflect pure joy at any moment! What a blessing it is for me to be able to share images like these with families. Even when I'm totally pooped at the end of a session from doing somersaults and crazy faces to get little ones to open up...
This is clearly one of my recent favorites! :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

{ Caitie's Secret Bridal Session...shhhhh! :) }

Ok...some brides do and some don't...want a preview that is... This one does; so here it is - BUT, if you know Jordan, you are sworn to secrecy for fear of a flogging from this photog! ;)

Caitie is so easy to work with, and I still love crusing through her engagement session for inspiration! The first image is my favorite and should be how I wish all brides to feel...and exactly how I felt on my wedding day...confident, pretty and laid back. It can be such an exciting, stressful and anxious time for everyone involved, but when it all comes right down to it; it's all little stuff, so don't sweat it! All that matters is the reason for which they will all gather in May...the celebration of two wonderful people and joy for their future together! Many Blessings to the future Mrs. Davis...:)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

{ Happy Birthday Kate! }

Well, were a little late this year due to the birth of my own Miss Audrey...but better late than never, right?
It's been a long week of illness at the Perkins house this I was WAY relieved to get out into the fresh air and sunshine for a sweet birthday niece! I still can't believe how grown up she looks; ahhhh, it seems like just yesterday Emma was naming you...Happy Birthday Baby Kate :)


Friday, March 12, 2010

{ Katie ~ Part II...And Senior Reps! }

Here are a few more of my beautiful cousin from her Senior Session! Final images coming soon...:)

AND...if you'd like to be a 2011 Senior Rep for your school...and get 50% off of your own Senior me for all the awesome details -!!! Rep spots are limited, so DON'T WAIT! :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

{ Katie ~ Senior '10 ~ South Garland HS }

I'm always usually a bit anxious before I shoot a session primarily b/c I am SUCH a perfectionist...but I was WAY nervous for this one! Your Senior pictures are so important to you as a young person as you want it to capture yourself like YOU see you...and of course, we ALL see ourselves as cool, hip, young, handsome or pretty. Right? :)

Well, this young lady is all of the above, and I'm not biased just because she's related; I think her pictures prove it!

I sure wish Senior pictures like this were around when I graduated in...ahemmm...we won't go there...:)

Katie - I wish you many blessings in the road and choices ahead, and I hope you are thrilled with your images so far...even the 'serious face'. You did great! (PS - and so did mom and dad!) Love to you all! D :)


Thursday, March 4, 2010

{ letting go }

I never expected that the past 8 weeks of maternity leave would teach me so much, but it all came together for me at a little 4yo’s birthday party at Chuck E Cheese…of all places!

If you haven’t been, you can count yourselves as one of the few (and maybe blessed) people to have never entered this childhood ‘paradise’. But Chuck E Cheese, even in all of its glory, can be slightly overwhelming, especially to the 3yo rookie. It is a virtual celebration of visual stimulation – the lights, the bells, the noises, the kids…and yes, the parents. Each adult trying to keep a visual reign on their kid ‘at all times’ is absolutely hysterical at times! You Chuck E veterans know what I'm talking about!

So when my Emma arrived at the party, I don’t think she really knew what to do with herself. After all, she had never experienced mayhem before. I could barely get her off of my leg. Even when she recognized her friends, it took much encouragement, prodding, hand-holding and bribery to get her to even sit at the table and eat! I began to feel anxious for her – I wanted her to have fun, but I knew I wouldn’t get her to let go if I didn’t make the adventure seem worthwhile. So I stayed with her. I kept telling her it would be OK; I kept telling her I didn’t want her to miss the fun; I even ate a piece of grody pizza to prove that she could do it - she could have fun. THEN…that life-sized darn mouse arrived, dancing around and acting well, pretty creepy...:) But, despite the mental 5-steps back damage that stinkin' rodent caused...once again, I encouraged. Eventually, she began to let herself go and not worry so much. Soon she was dancing up on the stage like a little super-freak with her friends. She opened up; she had fun; she played more and worried less.

That’s what I’ve learned in these 8 weeks – play more, worry less! Now, I’m not trying to use my blog to sound all preachy, but when you discover something and you feel led to share…you had better share it or as my aunt would say…”You just may be robbing someone of the blessing.” In this case, my sharing blesses me too as much as it may bless whoever reads my rantings...that’s why I’ve been sharing more.

There is a lot I could worry about this year. A baby who will be starting day care in 4 days…an almost 4yo who will start kindergarten before I know it…electrical and plumbing issues at home…hospital bills to be paid…and my business. AAAAHHHHH…the business. Beginning April 1 I will be going part-time at my ‘regular job’ in Dallas which will hopefully allow more options for me and my new venture. This is a huge step for me. I’m trying to learn how to market my fledgling business, I'm praying for business people and photography mentors who I can ask questions of, AND I'm trying to make sure I balance home and hobby. I’m praying a lot, crying a little (OK, maybe a lot) and trying my darndest to trust the Lord that I can help support my family with this talent because God cares about me and calls me His “Beloved”. I’m not sure how all of that will happen; I’m not sure of the exact game plan and sometimes I admit I feel unworthy...stepping out on faith when there are bills to pay is definitely not an easy thing for me to say or do. My dad recently told me, “If He gives you the talent He will give you the opportunity.” So at the moment I’m looking around like a hawk on the prowl for those opportunities…but most of all, I’m learning to let go.

Everyone starts off nervous and anxious, but after a bit, you settle in and enjoy the ride. Emma was scared in the beginning, just like I am at this moment, but by the end of the party she took hold of the reigns and yelled “Woo Hoooo”! Press Play :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

{ Mac - Part II }

I love the feeling B/W images convey...they remind me of looking through my Grandaddy's old photos from the 30s and 40s. I can look at them and just imagine the lives of the people in the image and what it must have been like to be...well, them! Sometimes they tell a story more than technicolor...:)
Here are some of my favorite B/W images from Mac's Newborn Session on Saturday...Enjoy!

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