Tuesday, December 22, 2009

{ Tick Check! }

It's been FOREVER since we've had pictures of my own family taken...usually it's some version of 2 of us instead of all 3 of us...so when I decided that FOREVER was just too long and we were going to head to our local park and take pictures before the new mini Perkins arrived, I NEVER guessed that 40 degree weather was still prime time for TICKS! Arrrrggggggg....
Yes, ticks!

We had almost finished the session because our photographer (ME)...was pooped from running back and forth to set the timer on the camera...when all of a sudden, as my awesome husband was trying to take a rare picture of me, I looked down, freaked out, and all I could say was "Tick, tick, tick...waaaaahhhhh"

OK - I was a veterniary nurse for 16 years, and these are the kinds of little parasites I had developed a 'thick skin' for...but when you are pregnant, the only thing you think is...BLOOD SUCKING DISEASE!!! So after J firmed up his grip on the camera, calmed me down, threw the tick to infinity...I proceeded to tick check everyone and everything! If I myself could have stripped down to nothing and harmed none of the passers by's eyes...I would have, but I didn't want to subject poor souls to that preggo horror just before dinner. So, even though I still at times have flashbacks and can feel ticks creeping all over me, AND I just know I've brought them home and they are waiting to perpetrate their nastiness when I least expect it...I will remain calm...with my tweasers and a Red Bull in the wings!

PS - My husband thinks its hysterical that my new ring tone for his phone is "I'd Like to Check You for Ticks" (Brad Paisley)...he's SUCH a comedian! Instead of making jokes, I think he should talk to Santa about getting me a wireless remote so I can ditch the timer thingy! What do you think? :)

More to come...:)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

{ Teaser...:) }

Just a peek of a Saturday session w/the Perkins...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

{ Believe }

We had to ditch our fam pics yesterday cause the weather was just too...well, Texas...:) So, you know kids...after mentioning 'pictures on Saturday' all week to Emma...she just didn't want to let the idea go! At 9pm last night, after pizza, Rudolph...and a bath to wash off the kid-germs...we went into the Studio Room last night and I caught THIS!

It says so much about little kids at Christmas...wonder, amazement, belief, curiosity. It's definitely one of my Em Favs...whadaya think?!


Thursday, December 10, 2009

{ Is it the end already...? }

Well, it's officially the end of the Tin Star 2009 Sessions...thanks to a wonderful kung-fu kickin' baby on the way in about 4 weeks! It's such a cliche...BUT I REALLY can't believe how fast the year has flown...it seems like just the other day that we were celebrating the LAST New Year!

This 2009 journey has been an incredible one - the wonderful people I've met and worked with, the lessons learned (on the home front & on the 2-jobs front), officially becoming a wigged-out small business owner in February, TOTAL infertility stress and learning to balance life in general, yeah right! You know what I'm talking about...awesome wife, old mom-new mom syndrom, 2-job working, exhausted, perfectionism driven chick that I am ...and yes, even relearning how to shave my legs and paint my toenails at 8 mos of pregnancy...:) It's all a journey for which I am thankful...except the shaving part!

God has blessed my family and our business SO much this year because of each person that has placed their trust and recommendations in my little venture...you are appreciated, and I am stoked! I have so many ideas to give back...to you, the community and my family, and would love to partner with people who have the same God-born vision...call, email, write, jet-plane...whatever; let me know...I'm not kidding! :)

So I KNOW there will be many more pictures to share before the official end of 2009...including my 2009 Favs List...but for now, I'll leave you with some of my favorite images from my last session of the year...the beautiful Hunt Family!

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