Thursday, April 1, 2010

{ balancing is an act }

You ever meet those people that you think, "MAN, I wish I was her; she really has it all together - the cute house, awesome husband, great kids dressed in boutique clothes, gourmet meal on the table and perfectly sun-kissed skin...blah, blah, blah"

OK, nothing against those people, but that ain’t me. Someone said to me the other day, "Man, you sure are handling everything really well - 2 jobs, commuting over 3 hours a day, 2 beautiful kids, a husband AND keeping up with Facebook and a new business...":) Well, I’m here to let you know that I wear A LOT of concealer under these eyes, cause along with a lack of sleep and serious caffeine addiction lately, I certainly don’t feel that way. I struggle every single day with this thing called ‘balance’. Life, home, kids, husband, exercise, planning birthday parties, my DVR’d shows...hehehe

So this weekend is my personal rejuvenation! Yes, I have 4 sessions. Yes, I have eggs to paint. Yes, my hardwood floors look like I’ve been sawing wood in my house. Yes, I’d like to actually like to sit down and shave my legs and paint my toes or pull weeds in our garden. But you know’s also Easter.

We were at the pediatrician yesterday since Miss Audrey decided to carry on the Perkins tradition of a record number of ear infections BEFORE the age of 1, and little Emma tagged along. Before we left, Dr Joslin – who ROCKS BTW – asked Emma about her Easter. Oooooohhhh, she mentioned eggs, her new dress and candy, but when Dr J asked her what was Easter really about, she stretched out her little arms and said “It’s about Jesus! He died and then He came back to life!” There was such excitement and joy in her voice. It was one of the proudest Mama Moments I’ve ever had...To know that my child, one of the greatest loves of my life, showed the first glimpse that she gets it! It’s not about eggs or, dirty floors and Facebook. I can teach her to ride a bike, be kind to others and give to the SPCA – but when she learns to love God, my job as a mom, for me, is D.O.N.E. That’s it for me; to know that one day my child will be with me in Heaven worshiping at the feet of our Savior. So, at what point do we as adults lose that ‘matter of factness’ and instead focus on the things that don’t matter? Where is MY attitude of sheer joy in knowing that someone loved you so very much that He took your place, suffered an excruciating death when not only He didn’t deserve it, but no one could find any reason for killing Him?

So this Easter...forget about shaving your legs (wear pants please :) ), your new dress (if you’ve had time to get one) or the fact that you haven’t had a haircut in 2 months (hats are in, right?) or washed your car in 4 (cars are parked OUTSIDE the church)...come to Him as you are, flaws and all. He already paid the price; He already bought you your life back; He loved you before He created you. He doesn’t care what your floors look like, if your kids are wearing the latest trends, or if you shop at Whole Foods; He cares about your heart. He cares about ME and calls me His Beloved; He cares about YOU and calls you the apple of his eye...and yes, He loves my kids more than I do!

And those people that look like they’ve got it all they really? Balancing is really an act after all...because I’m sure they’ve got a disorganized closet or crazy junk drawer at their house too. How do I know? Come on over to my pad, and I’ll show you...just don’t look at my floors...:)



Caron said...


The Langland's said...

Very beautifully said and what a sweet sweet picture!!! Happy Easter!

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