Wednesday, January 14, 2009

{ Learning Curve... }

OK - so I'm all about learning...but, let's face it, sometimes there just isn't time! A job that 'pays the bills', a 2 1/2 year old diva-princess, a 30-ish Bob the Builder husband, a studio/house with seemingly semi-permanent orange cones and flashing barricades, and not to mention shoots & edits (MY take on Chutes & Ladders) is what happens in between all of the other stuff I (and we) try to cram in to my '28' hour day! This weekend will be my first 'studio' shoot with Em's cousin, Baby Kate...another little princess-diva...for her 1 year birthday. Exicted; yes...nervous; absolutely! So in my 2009 effort to specifically set aside time to learn...I've been reading and practicing; reading and practicing, and I keep reminding myself...It's all about learning, right?; and not about what I do or don't have...or wish I had in the way of equipment, props OR space. So I've been trying to set aside a little time each day for a lighting article or Photoshop tutorial...and I think it's helping ~ Minus the frustration of course! My type-A perfectionism is a blessing...and a curse...but I continually strive to navigate life's little Learning Curves...Just like Miss Haylee...:)

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