It is official. I am getting older...ok, fine, OLD. A marathon is what I ran this weekend. Marathon runners are what these two little children will grow up to be. I know for a fact that they will be our next US world record holders...and they will be rewarded not for the race itself...but for ENDURANCE! I see these two precious little ones and am unfortunately reminded of my age...and lack of endurance. If in their previews you only see one or two photos of them sitting, it was a rare occurance and they were just catching their second wind...again. :) The first is the Johnson Family whom I have known and loved for years...and now know why her Mimi and Pops are completely pooped! She is the most adorable and active Ms. Claus...ever! The second session with the Langland Family wasn't any less active. Peyton (sp) just learned to walk about 3 weeks ago...and I don't think he even stops to sleep! He was just like a little wind up toy; the absolute second you put him down he was off! Beautiful eyes...cutest little tongue smile...and now I need a nap...whew!
Click HERE to see the Johnson Family Preview Show...
Click HERE to see the Langland Family Preview show...
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